Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What I've Learned...

I've learned that the best thing in the world is to have friends who really know you and who really love you. And most importantly, to have friends you can cry with.

I'm not talking about the laughing so hard til you cry cry. I'm talking about the ugly cry. The snot in your nose, body shaking cry. The kind where you get caught up in to the point where you loose your breath cry.

I personally think crying can be very cleansing. After a good cry I always feel lighter and a bit relieved. I think crying is one of the more intimate experiences two people can share. To allow yourself to be vulnerable in front of someone, to trust them with your emotions in such a way is an indication of deep trust.

I also believe this kind of crying is partnered with an opportunity to learn and sometimes to resolve. After all. Crying is just another way to let go.

I'm blessed to have more than one person in my life I can share this type of emotion with. And I'm honored to know I have friends who can lean there heads on my shoulder and be sure I'm a safe place to release their emotion.

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