Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sincerly, Angela...

I've decided to do what I do best and go with what I know.

One of the reasons I never continued to build my blog is because I got some not-so-supportive feedback. Mainly, I was told my posts were way too long. "This is the internet. Nobody wants to read that much!", were the sentiments of the feedback I received. I'm in a new place and I've realized I just gotta do me and hope people will fall in line. This blog is an extension of me. It's very representative of how I think and expresses what I like.

My earlier writing experiences were for newspapers and the articles I penned had to fill space. And, ofcourse, I got paid by the inch. So the longer the story, the bigger my paycheck.

Anyway. I hope you enjoy what I have to offer. Over time I hope my blog will develop and grow into something pretty col. But most importantly, I hope you take this journey with me!!

Sincerely, Angela

Music I'm Loving Right Now...

Okay. So I'm a huge Kelly Rowland fan. I was highly anticipating her album release. I hate to say it but I'm a little underwhelmed. I don't know what it is about Kelly, but she strikes me as the kind of artist who' is looking to impress instead being true to who she is. I don't know. I could be wrong.

Despite the lackluster album, there are a few songs I'm really feeling. Check out:

"Keep It Between Us" (By far my favorite)
"Lay It On Me"
"All Of The Night"

One of the things I love about my job, besides doing makeup, is the music. It's ridiculous. In the course of one day I'll hear everything from meringue to hip hop to R&B to Deep House to Dance Hall to... well, you get the point. So, my newest infatuation is Fenech-Soler. I don't know how long they've been around but I just picked up the EP Demons. It's pretty stellar. It's kinda electronica kinda alternative. Their music has a good beat and good lyrics. I'm also feeling "Stop and Stare" from Kitsune Maison Compilation 9.

I also purchased this week, "Flowers" and "Keep It Loose, Keep It Tight". Two oldies but goodies from Amos Lee.